Wednesday, November 7, 2007

COLORS Today is a gray day. It started off with overcast skies which soon rained rivulets down the window panes and made puddles on the uneven ground. No matter, the skies could weep for all I cared as I snuggled deeper into my warm bed. Besides today is a holiday, no work, no school for the kids, so sleeping in is fine.

All too soon, the sun came a-calling. It's too warm to lie in so ups-a-daisy, up we all get.

First things first, as I'm told. Where's the list? What list? The ABCDE list of course! What are you talking about? Never mind, did I make one? I'm not sure..... anyway I know what I have to do today.

Have a nutritious breakfast, one that gives you cellular nutrition and keeps your weight down. It tastes great when you blend it with the juice of the day plus a slice of fruit. Yum, yum, I lick my lips like a kid.

One down, next to go. Get ready for an appointment with a prospect who's keen to know more about the business I'm in. Sounds exciting? Yeah, to me it is cos I'll be meeting someone I don't know.

Have I got all the necessary paraphernalia? Must do a good introduction and educate the prospect. Yes, everything is in order. A few phone calls to confirm the place and the time and off I go.

So..... half an hour later I toddled back home, having briefed the prospect and giving him time to consider before he makes up his mind whether to become part of my team or not. Does it sound like a gray day? Mmmmm......

The next appointment was in the afternoon for a survey of current eating habits. Confirmation calls fell on deaf automated voicemail. Stillborn! Perhaps on second thoughts he has become shy. Why reveal how and what you eat? Tsk! tsk!

Is it a gray day? Not quite. I helped a friend to clinch her prospect this morning. It felt good, having helped someone. So looking back, it's not quite gray after all. A tinge of pink maybe. How was your day? What color was it?

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